Saturday, September 8, 2012

Oceans Apart...

Sometimes there comes a time when you can't talk to anyone about any of your problems. It is as if no one understands. Even the people whom you thought you can give your life seems to leave you behind. It is the feeling of being abandoned that seems to suck the purpose out of my life.

I don't know if there is any self-help book, a Carnegie or a Napoleon Hill that can cure the loneliness I feel. The feeling of having lost everything. While I tried to put the pieces back together, while I try to re-build the foundation from scratch I suffer more mockery. With my hands I try to plant success. I sometimes cut these hands while pulling out weeds and it bleeds to the ground. Sometimes these hands are attacked by thousand ants but I don't feel a single bite. I am on to something big. Im establishing my purpose in life. Slowly planting each tree of success but there is still more to come. The road to success is still long and I can't be tired this early.

I was taught before by my Philosophy teacher that one can detach himself from his emotions. Actually this is what I often do when my heart is broken to thousand pieces. I try talking to my consciousness and letting myself be void of emotion. Emotions affects our thinking. It is like a poison that will sure get the better part of us should we let it. I refused to succumb to the poison of hopelessness, to these lonely feeling, to bitterness nor to hatred. I know that while I am breathing then I can still do something more than anyone thought possible. I know that problems and heartaches happen to strengthen me as a person and it will as long as I don't let go of my values.

My heart hurts and I dont know when I will recover but one thing is for sure, if this does not kill me which I think it wont, I am bound to be stronger. I am full of anger. I have tried controlling the demon inside me but somehow it is always trying to get out wanting to destroy or at the very least take revenge of everyone who have underestimated me, but then again my heart is a strong heart. My mind is more powerful than my emotion so I manage to keep performing and doing business.

I have stopped cursing people or situations. I just let people hurt me. In the process I know I am bound to be stronger. I will repay this hurt with kindness. I will be more compassionate to other people. I will turn anger into love. I know I can change my life.

Oceans apart... it is irrelevant according to my mind. I have asked my heart to stop beating for awhile... stop beating until you deserve to beat. Stop beating until the time that someone will say "hey you are useful" and "hey you are great". As long as people compare you to others, ignore them. You can never compare yourself to anyone but your past. You must overcome each temptation of self-pity and replace every angst with enthusiasm.

In the end we are the masters of our fate and the captain of our soul. Oceans apart... but with one constantly rowing towards his star, he will soon reach shore. A life without struggles, a life without darkness is a life not worth living. Struggles strengthen us like pressure to a diamond or the fire to a metal ore. We have to be burnt so we can see our true brilliance.

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